How to Help Children Cope with Changing School

Change is new and it usually needs a period of adjustment. When changing schools, it is common for children to have some mixed emotions of anxiety, sadness and also excitement. The anxiety is usually caused by the unforeseen circumstances and unfamiliar situations which may arise when your daughter is in the new school. The changes in school culture, teachers and students may cause her to feel uncomfortable and lonely initially. She may feel sad about leaving the previous school due familiarity and relationships with formed.

There fore, it is important for parents to prepare their child adequately for this change in order for the child to successfully adjust to the new school well. Below are some suggestions that can help.

  • Communication

o   To help her to understand the reason for the change in school and to listen and understand her concerns about the new school.

  •   Addressing her feelings

o   To reassure her that some anxiety is common and some changes are to be expected in the new school.

o   Allow her to say goodbye to her friends from the previous school and to keep in contact with them

  •   Preparation

o   Helping her to understand the school culture through the school website or talking to other students from the new school.

o   Taking her to the new school compound to familiarize her with the environment.

o   Discuss with the new school if they are able to provide her with a friendly peer buddy to be her guide and support for the first day and to help her feel comfortable.

  • Support

o   Provide encouragement and praise her for being brave to face the challenge of going to a new school.

o   Approach the school counselor for help to provide emotional support if she feels very overwhelmed.


How to Help Children Cope in the Covid-19 Times

1)      Over these few months, we have heard stories of how some children are struggling mentally while adjusting to a new life under Covid-19. Some children might feel frustrated at having to stay indoors for a prolonged period of time. How would you advise parents to tackle their children’s emotional frustration? Do you have any strategies that parents can use to encourage children to talk about how they are feeling?

It would be important for parents to identify how their children express their emotional frustration because different children express it in various ways. It could come in the form of a meltdown over small issues, being more clingy, refusal to eat or shower and participate in usual favourite activities. These behaviours may seem like behavioral problems but it is a child’s way of expressing their emotional frustration.

In order to understand children’s emotional frustration, parents have to understand that this new life under covid 19 is an adjustment for them as well. It would be good for parents to address this emotional frustration by first identifying it as a frustration. For example, when a child refuses to eat, identify for the child that he is feeling frustrated and that is okay. To allow the child to express their emotion in words helps them to regulate their emotions better. After allowing the child to express his emotions, give your child a hug or some space, whichever that he prefers to calm down. After which, discuss what the child may be upset about.

Younger children may have difficulties expressing their emotions or understanding why they are frustrated, thus it would be a good opportunity to provide options for the child as to what he may be frustrated with.

The strategy that works most of the time is to listen first without judgement and comments of solving the problem for them. When a child sees that you are willing to listen without any comments, they would be more open to talk to parents about their frustrations.

2)      Children usually do better with schedules and a stable environment; in such an uncertain time where things are always changing due to new Covid-19 updates, how can we comfort and ensure their mental wellness?

Children feel safe when parents are able to explain and provide them with assurance. Children can sense parents' anxiety over covid-19 situations. Thus, it is important for parents to be calm in handling the situation. Check with the child if he understands what is happening and why they have to wear masks or avoid crowded spaces. If there are gaps in the child’s understanding, parents can explain to them. While there are some precautions required, also give children some hope that things would slowly go back to how it was slowly and eventually. When children can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, they become less anxious and more hopeful.

3)      Over the years, scientists have warned about the dangers of screen time for young children. What do you think about the current Covid-19 situation where toddlers are forced online to continue their learning? And as outdoor play was discouraged during the lockdown; we see children flocking to televisions/ mobile devices or computers for their entertainment. We definitely agree that technology has its benefits such as keeping children connected virtually to their loved ones and helping them keep up to date with their learning. What are your thoughts on prolonged exposure to screen time- will this affect children’s mental development?

Due to this covid situation, many classes have to go online and also staying home may increase more screen time exposure.  It is difficult to control the screen time use, some days we may have to give them more screen time due to working from home and there is no one else to play with the child. In order to cope with this, it may be good to have designated time for screen time, so that you can monitor the amount of time your child is spending on the screen. While it is unavoidable that children in this generation are going to definitely have more screen time than past generations, we can have a balance of screen time and non screen time.

Prolonged exposure does have negative effects on some areas in a child’s development such as social skills and more but the key is to balance the child’s activities. For example, if a child spends 1 hour on screen time then another 1 hour should be on other activities such as art & craft, reading, writing, playing with toys or siblings and so on.

4)      Do you have any activities for parents to do with their children to keep them emotionally balanced and secure?

The best kind of activities are always “special time” with parents. Regardless of what the activity is, children love to spend time with parents, it can be reading together, playing together or even having breakfast together. It is important to be fully present during these activities and not be physically present but mentally or emotionally elsewhere. Focus on the time spent in understanding and learning from your child’s world.

5)      In relation to this ongoing pandemic, what is the 1 most important thing that you would like to share with all parents?

I think that this ongoing pandemic gives us more time and opportunity to spend time and bond with our children. Use this time to listen, talk and create and accumulate more positive experiences with our children. All our children want is to make their parents proud of them in the things that they do.


How do i make my child happy?

Whenever i see parents of depressed children, they often ask me this question,

“How do I make my child happy?”

Most parents feel responsible to make their child happy. Some parents shared that they have done everything that they could think of to make their child happy. For example, buying them gifts, cooking them food, taking them on holiday, planning a party for them etc. However, after all their efforts, it did not seem to work.

Usually i would then ask them back this question.

“Are you happy”

A quote that i read from a book by Haemin Sunim beautifully describes why i ask that question.

The greatest gift that parents can give their child is to be happy themselves.

If the parents are happy, then the child can grow up into a happy and confident adult.

But if the parents are not happy, then the child can feel worthless

unable to make his parents happy no matter what

While parents may feel that it is their responsibility to make their children happy, it is often not their responsibility to do so. Children observe, learn and imitate people who are the closest to them. They learn how to be happy from their parents. Thus, the answer is quite simple, if you want your child to be happy, you have to firstly be happy.

Let go of the things that you cannot control but master the courage to control what you can.
