How to Help Children Cope with Changing School

Change is new and it usually needs a period of adjustment. When changing schools, it is common for children to have some mixed emotions of anxiety, sadness and also excitement. The anxiety is usually caused by the unforeseen circumstances and unfamiliar situations which may arise when your daughter is in the new school. The changes in school culture, teachers and students may cause her to feel uncomfortable and lonely initially. She may feel sad about leaving the previous school due familiarity and relationships with formed.

There fore, it is important for parents to prepare their child adequately for this change in order for the child to successfully adjust to the new school well. Below are some suggestions that can help.

  • Communication

o   To help her to understand the reason for the change in school and to listen and understand her concerns about the new school.

  •   Addressing her feelings

o   To reassure her that some anxiety is common and some changes are to be expected in the new school.

o   Allow her to say goodbye to her friends from the previous school and to keep in contact with them

  •   Preparation

o   Helping her to understand the school culture through the school website or talking to other students from the new school.

o   Taking her to the new school compound to familiarize her with the environment.

o   Discuss with the new school if they are able to provide her with a friendly peer buddy to be her guide and support for the first day and to help her feel comfortable.

  • Support

o   Provide encouragement and praise her for being brave to face the challenge of going to a new school.

o   Approach the school counselor for help to provide emotional support if she feels very overwhelmed.